Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

First Snow - Haibun - Time Glass Challenge - December 9, 2014

Credits: First Snow

The morning is cold, with that special kind of cold that says: snow.  The grey skies hang heavy and low. The world seems still, as though it’s waiting for something special to happen.

Walking in the nearby woods, the sparrows are silent. The wind picks up and rustles the trees, the sound reminds me of the movement of the sea on a winter beach.  Then I see it and I put out my wool-gloved hand.  The first snow flake of winter nestles delicately and I smile.

Crystal perfection
floating down upon the earth
an angel’s gem

© G.s.k. ‘14

Linked to Carpe Diem Time Glass #13 –  where we had 24 hours to write a haibun of less than 100 words about “first snow”. 


  1. Oh, how I love that -- when your gloves aren't warm enough to disturb the snowflakes --. And the sky -- that indescribable *something* that says *snow* :D
    Well accompanied with the music too.

    1. I dug into my memories for that vision ... it was so cool to catch snow flakes when I was a kid .. glad you enjoyed the haibun and the video.

  2. And so quickly that gem melts in our hand...
    I'm kind of hoping I see another fox myself this year.
    One year in the middle of the night after a good snow I saw a fox seem to glide making his/her own trail across the back yard. The moon just danced on moving fox fur.

    1. What a lovely vision Jules ... that would be so magical!

  3. Wow ... Georgia ... what can I say this is a gorgeous haibun with a very strong haiku ... I am in awe ...

    1. :-) coming from you Kristjaan this is a wonderful compliment and encourages me very much ... thanks!


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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