Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Sluderno - August 29, 2014

among the herbs
 chickens growing plump
at Sluderno

walking in Sluderno
tiny gardens grow wild
herbs and flowers

For Carpe Diem's Little Ones:

"anew episode of our "Little Creatures"-feature and after two episodes about little insects, this episode is about little plants and flowers e.g. Sheperd's Purse as we can read in this haiku by Basho (1644-1694):

 furu hata ya nazuna hana saku kakine kana
if you look closely
a sheperd's purse flowering
underneath the hedge
(c) Matsuo Basho (Tr. Tim Chilcott)

  furudera ya hôroku suteru seri no naka

ncient temple
clay pot tossed around
in the seri (*)  field

© Buson (Tr. Chèvrefeuille)
(*) Seri = Oenanthe javanica = water dropwort

 "Seri is one of the seven sacred herbs of spring which are used in the spring festival "Nanakusa no Sekku" or "The Festival of Herbs". It happens to be that the Sheperd's Purse, in the haiku by Basho, also is one of the Seven Sacred Herbs of Spring"

in the meadow
peeling the leaves of daisies,
does she loves me?

© Chèvrefeuille


  1. Nice cultural eye, observant with the details of nature.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful and peaceful place.

  3. There's a great classical feel to the first :)

  4. a real back to the origins ... thanks that makes me happy ... maybe I'm recovering my "wa" or sense of harmony! At least here ;-)

  5. Herbs have a unique offering. If I just knew what to do with them. Just too cautious to use the wild stuff.
    One of these days I might start an herb box in the house - though I don't think I get enough daylight.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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