Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Praying Flags - September 24, 2014

The kigo for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai in this post is - praying flags.

prayer flags fly
above the town of Arco
in the mountain winds

red leafed alpine morn
the wind whispers their prayers
colorful prayer flags

(c) G.s.k. '14

Kushi Ling

One of the Tibetan Buddist Meditation cernters is about 8 kilometers from my home.  It's called the Kushi Ling.  I've actually never been there but I've often seen the monks walking through town or going shopping.  The Dalai Lama came a few years back to visit and we all enjoyed his presence for a Peace Tree celebration in the center of Arco.


  1. Wonderful set on Prayer Flags Georgia.

    1. Thanks Kristjaan .. I almost didn't do this post because I couldn't imagine prayer flags being something close to me ... but your post reminded me of the Center that is so close at hand! Thanks for the prompt and commenting too :-)

  2. The wind whispering prayers is a poignant image.

  3. red leafed alpine morn
    the wind whispers their prayers
    colorful prayer flags

    flapping with a sudden gust
    devotees clapping hands

    1. the bright sound of merriment
      laughter and thanksgiving shared

      blustering wind
      through the autumn valley
      peaceful invitation

  4. How wonderful to have the Dalai Lama visit your part of the world! Some day you'll have to visit the Kushi Ling.

    Such a peaceful feel to your haiku --

    1. Perhaps some day ... I've often said I would like to pass a period in a dojo ... I'm more for Zen meditation though rather than Tibetan. The Dalai Lama has actually been to Trentino several times. He's a fantastic person, I love his laughter in the face of sadness! I saw him the first time though not long after my youngest was born in Grossetto. I've always wondered why he's often come to visit Italy.

      They don't seek proselitites so the church doesn't worry about their presence like they do with the Moslems and Prostestants.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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