Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Tan Renga - September 6, 2014

For Capre Diem Haiku Kai's Tan Renga this week the first stanza has been written by  Jazzytower of Thoughts and Entanglements :

before the decay
blessed with breathtaking beauty
reclaimed by the earth

© Jazzytower 

earth reclaims its property
regenerating beauty
© G.s.k. '14



  1. Wondrous! Such beauty and mystery in this humble old tree. It may be hard to imagine beauty in decay, but you have found it.
    Thank you for visiting us at Poetry of the Netherworld.

    1. Thanks ... ancient olive trees are really very beautiful ... and the strage thing about them is even in this condition they keep producing olives! Glad you enjoyed the renga and photo.

  2. What grew from those decaying matters could turn out to be beautiful trees. Rightly so Georgia!


  3. Replies
    1. We are surrounded by olive groves. These are the northern most olive groves I think in all of Europe ... of Italy for sure. The olive trees are often really pretty ancient and sometimes it gets cold enough here to freeze the trees themselves but they usually bounce back ... a little "uglier" and damaged, but they keep on producing their fruit.

  4. Yes - the circle of life.


  5. Nice one. Olive trees are a sturdy lot, great photo.

    1. They really are, I've seen some that are hundreds of years old. Glad you liked it.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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