Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The passing - Departed Soul - Jisei - October 30, 2014

in late autumn
a last leaf falls from the tree
still moon watches

his voyage ends
requesting Chritmas carols
yule log burns

(c) G.s.k. '14

At Carpe Diem Haiku we looked at jisei ... in Japanese tradition, a poem one writes for oneself when he/she is dying.  The first on is for myself .. the second, for my father who died in December 2010, he died near Christmas time and his main worry was that the festivities might be hampered by his passing, he made everyone promise we'd celebrate Christmas as we'd always done.

In August for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai I wrote some other jisei for "sacrifice".

The moon


  1. This is beautiful, bellla! Still moon lights the path for safe passage. I love what you wrote for your father; how much he loved you all to wish you not weep for him but celebrate the birth of our saviour on Christmas...lovely. That video you chose is quite a good solemn way. xx

    1. He was my step-dad, but he was always dad to me and was a great man .. miss him a lot.

    2. Just read this again and it is so beautiful...I was closer to my step-dad (my mom`s 2nd husband) too...he just loved me `because` ...that is love:)

  2. Christmas time will always be associated with your father's passing. What a lovely person he was to be concerned about others' enjoyment even at his death.I like the music you chose. Very moving.

    1. He was the greatest of men ... and yes, Christmas has a special meaning for us now.

  3. Great image drawn..the last leaf and still the symbolization.. :-)

    1. Thank you Maniparna .. happy you enjoyed the jisei :-)

  4. What a great man -- concerned about his family right to the end.

    Your jisei is lovely -- sweet and still and mysterious .

  5. Both fill the air and the spirit...


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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