Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Writing With Gibran - Flame . August 26, 2014

From Sea and Foam ... Carpe Diem Haiku Kai inspires us with this quote:

[...] "I am the flame and I am the dry bush, and one part of me consumes the other part". [...]
But I'll add another quote:
 Pvt. Jack Bell:
Love. Where does it come from? Who lit this flame in us? No war can put it out, conquer it. I was a prisoner. You set me free.    "The Thin Red Line"

ardent heartbeats
consume hatred leaving love
flaming sunrise

the flame of knowledge
burining in a young man's heart
a cawing crow

innocence consumed
the flames of reality
on the soldiers tomb

bells ringing
the flame of faith
the doves flutter skywards

©  G.s.k. '14


  1. Touches some good deeper meanings, nice!

  2. That's even a better quote than the one by Gibran ... what a wonderful series of haiku Georgia.

    1. Thanks very much Kristjaan ... the film moved me very much combined with Gibran's thoughts I felt inspired.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A wonderful series.. nice to add imagery by more quotes..

  5. Georgia, I think this is one of your best series yet ...

  6. Even pigeons know enough to flee when church bells start clanging!

    Crimson Flame

    1. And so they are ... you should see them at noon in St. Mark's Square in Venice! What a show!


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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