Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Writing with Gibran - Masks - August 22, 2014

Here is yesterday's Carpe Diem Haiku Kai quote of the day from Gibran's "Sea and Foam":

 [...] "Even the masks of life are masks of deeper mystery". [...]

look into the world -
tears flow

© Chèvrefeuille


I know you little mask
the lover said and laughed
in his illusion

me behind the mask
sometimes laughing sometimes not
facing daily life

taking off the mask
standing nude before the world
the wounded child

the mask's ornaments
tells a story of its own
a chameleon
 ©  G.s.k. '14


  1. Love the series, Georgia. I have been told many times that I am a chameleon but I think they mean I changed my hair colour and style a lot in my 30's to 50's. I suppose that was another mask.

    1. Thanks Tournesol :-) I knew myself for a chameleon when I was in my 30s ... since I've worked to go beyond that particular defense mechanism.

  2. Really good exploration of the symbolism of the mask.

  3. i think we were on a similar wavelength

    but the wounded child put a spear through my gut


    1. oh ... I'm so sorry ... I read your haiku and they were magnificent .. yes I think we were on a similar wavelength.

  4. It's like you explore every detailed layer of that mask.. and even naked there's still masks..

    1. masks behind masks
      rarely do we share our soul
      even with ourselves

      :-) thanks Bjorn for dropping by!

  5. So many phases in life -- doffing one mask and donning another one -- but we're all wounded children, aren't we?
    A great series here Georgia. :)

    1. They say that growing up is a tramatic event ... I don't think I've ever met a person who didn't have a wounded child travelling along inside somewhere. Thanks Jen, glad you liked the series.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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