Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Winter Feeling - Kamishibai (haibun) - November 10, 2014 

The car wouldn’t start but be that as it may, MaryEllen had to go to work.  It was dark, snow flakes had begun to fall but the roads were still  fairly clean.  She got onto her scooter.  Just as she was parking she hit the ice.

early snow
going to work at dawn
  scooter skitters

(c) G.s.k. '14

Linked to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai  where we have an all new meme . the Extreme Kamishibai Extreme . a sort of haibun, but using a maximum of 55 letters .. follow the linkabove and learn more about the prompt!


  1. Once when I was living in NJ, just after a snow storm - I skidded up and up ramp onto a highway. The new brakes weren't needed as I hit the concrete road divider head on. I was fine, but the car was not.

    Tough to get around when there isn't good public transportation.

    1. Yipes! What a scary experience! In snowy bad weather public transportation is a god-send ... if you can use it. That time with the scooter, which actually happened, I had to use it because buses start running at 7:00 and I had to be at work that particular day at 6:00 ... all went well until I got to the parking lot - which for some reason was full of ice. The scooter didn't actually skid as I was going very slowly, it gracefully went down ... no damage done to me or the scooter.

  2. I feel the pain of that situation - a scooter and ice never good.

  3. Oh, scary stuff --- scary! Winter driving, winter walking -- not fun at all. o.O

    1. I agree ... here in Arco we very rarely have snow and ice, one of the reasons we chose this valley ... I just don't get along with the stuff ... all I need is a square inch of the stuff and I slip ;-)

  4. Oh dear that first snow...that black ice...never knowing if it is ice or just dark asphalt...I've whipped completely across a highway years ago into a control whatsoever, the road was bombé

    1. It's terrible stuff for sure ... here the roads may be cleared but the parking lots are blamed dangerous because they don't put the salt down on those. Glad you got out of that dangerous situation all in one piece!!!

  5. Snow can have that slippery effect.. personally I bicycle in winter.. but I have studded tires.

    1. I've never seen studded tires for either bicycles or scooters .. but sounds like a great idea!


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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