Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Arti-Visual Haiku - September 12, 2014

A new Challenge at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai!

"The goal of this new feature is as follows:

You may choose a piece of art, that can be a painting, a sculpture, a photo or something else made by for example Vincent Van Gogh, but it also can be an art-piece made by yourself. maybe you are a painter or a photographer. You may also use a piece of art which you have made especially for this feature.
Your used artwork must be the inspiration for your haiku. So for this new feature you may use for example a sculpture which you have made yourself, but there has to be a classical or non-classical haiku inspired on the art-work in your post. For this feature I will not give a prompt, you can decide for yourself which prompt or theme you will use. Feel free and share also your own art-work as I will do myself in this first episode.
This new feature will be published once in a month, so this first episode runs to October 11th at noon (CET)."

serpentine whispers
among the villagers
old gossip

fill the evening tv waves
with useless gossip

© G.s.k. '14

In my younger years I used to paint and sculp ... then one thing lead to another and though I still have all my equipment I rarely lay hand to brush or clay.  The "lady" you see above is called "The Gossip" she's part of a couple ... her counterpart is "Vanity".


  1. Only ugly people enjoy ugly gossip !

    1. And she is one ugly lady ... some people have asked me what she represents ... I do so dislike gossip.

  2. Lovely! And nice comparison of gossip.

  3. Very good - what a face! - a true gossipy look

    1. Yes .. i agree and I fell in love with her when she was finished just what I wanted her to be ... I'm afraid that most people prefer vanity though. :-)

  4. Wow Georgia what a nice sculpture and your haiku goes so well with it ...

    1. I had a precise idea in mind when I made the sculpture so of course writing its story was easy. I'm really very pleased that you liked them.

  5. Fantastic! I am especially fond of the first one.

    1. Thanks ... ah ... the old gossip in the village - we don't find anything quite like her in the city I think.

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  7. Hi again -- I think my comment just vanished -- if this is a duplicate just delete it. :)


    Wow -- the texture on your sculpture is amazing -- and look at that *face*! Would not want to meet that lady. And I'm really struck by the way the serpentine hissing permeates both of your haiku -- very snakelike and foreboding -- Brava!

    1. Thanks Jen ... she's a bit of a garygole isn't she ... I'm glad of the reaction exactly where I wanted to go with both the sculpture (a very mature lady at about 30 years old) and the haiku.

  8. like wildfire
    ravaging the innocent
    words are spreading

    1. too right ... gossip is as terrible as a wildfire and hurts so many people.

  9. I love your words, Cara....gossip is ugly and hurtful indeed.But your sculpture is beautiful! I can see so many stories and shadorma, haiku simmering...I may ask permissioin to borrow it soon. xx

    1. Wow ... rarely has anyone wanted to borrow that particular sculpture. Seh is a bit ugly but she reps an ugly traite in human society. Happy you enjoyed the haiku and you can "borrow" her when you wish.

  10. Quite a statement! Poisoned talk.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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