Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cemetery - September 7, 2014

 For Carpe Diem Haiku Kai ... let's contemplate cemeteries:

city of the beloved
in Bolognano

peacefully sleep
in your solemn beds
candles and flowers

memory lane
paved with white gravel
the cemetery

G.s.k. '14

In Italy you won't usually find cemeteries in the classical American sense of the word.  Land is precious and the dead like the living have cities to dwell in not gardens and parks ... the exceptions are the Allied War Cemeteries that can be found in Southern and Central Italy (like Anzio, Monte Cassino or just outside Florence).


sleeping peacefully
the Best Western Motel
by the cemetery

grave marker
as a cradle headboard
rest in peace
abandoned cemetery
iron keys cross the ground
no one going in

© Jane Reichhold


  1. What a beautiful little cemetery! Not a bad final resting place.
    Enjoyed learning more about the custom in Italy.

    1. This one is pretty small .. in Arco (Bolognano is a part of Arco) we have 7 necropolises. One for each original village Arco's central cemetery ... which is actually the prettiest. Glad I could give you some info for a change Jen, a real pleasure! ;-)

  2. Again a carefully-crafted post. Always rich source of haiku here, like a bubbling brook of words - well done!

    1. Thanks Hamish, that's very kind comment! I appreciated it.

  3. You have drawn a very vivid picture of a cemetery.

  4. Thank you for explaining how cemeteries are smaller in Italy...memory lane struck me profoundly...lovely series, Georgia.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it ... Italy doesn't really have a whole lot of in habitable land ... lots of mountains and a very large population when you consider that there are 57 million people living on the peninsula which is about as big as Florida. But all along the whole middle of the boot people mostly live on the coast-lines. In some areas of Italy, cemetaries are full of a kind of like tiny high-rise apartment buildings ... and people are placed in a tomb not in the ground kind of like a tiny in an "apartment".

  5. Cemeteries always look so ordered and peaceful, guess all the souls are getting along...:)-

    1. Yes Jazzytower ... they are well ordered and very peaceful --- no one has complained recently ;-)

  6. finally at peace
    at the cemetery
    friends and foes

    1. And at last they are all free and equal ;-) thank you for the love ku!


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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