Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Writing With Richard Wright - "down the block" - December 29, 2014

down the street
awaiting Christmas day
a crib scene
© G.s.k. ‘14

(Bolognano, every year many families put up crib scenes all over the village. I was late getting this photograph processed.  If you notice, there is no "baby" in the crib yet.)

The above haiku was written for Carpe Diem Haiku Special.  Here is the last inspirational haiku of December 2014, dedicated to Richard Wright

keep straight down this block,
then turn right where you will find
a peach tree blooming

© Richard Wright


  1. Very sweet!
    In my mother's creche we didn't add the crib until Christmas Eve ---

    1. Very European! Same happens often over here ... but with the modern prefab creches seems the baby is not removable!

    2. Mom's wasn't either --- but hey -- we did what we could with what we had :)

  2. so very apropos, cara...just lovely!!

  3. Luv your response to the prompt, you are welcome to link also to my way12 Days of Christmas at Lunch Break

    Much love...

  4. Hiya Georgia,
    a safe snowless haven here :-)
    What a nice idea to have these scenes all over the village.

    1. Hiya Girl Friday! Yeah here at Blogger no snow ;-) ... I'll tell the organizers you approve .. they'll be ecstatic about the idea that they've gone international!


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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