Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Corn - September 26, 2014

Today Kigo is Corn for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai:

American Sentences

Bushels of corn waiting at the roadside stand - waiting to be roasted.

Roastin'  ears in melted butter - companions toasting autumn with beer.

American Haiku

sitting by the fire
corn roasting in foil
last barbecue

popcorn dancing
red hot iron skillet
melted butter and salt


indian summer
last warm days before winter
the corn is ripe


  1. Very nice images within the haiku and sentences.

    1. Thanks Janice ... thought I'd try the "American" variations.

  2. "Roastin' ears in melted butter" - and the beer -- VERY appropriate to have that as an American Sentence! ;)
    A taste of summer and fall -- YUM! :)

    1. Thought so too ... can't imagine Japanese eating "roastin'" ears and drinking beer, personally as I was writing these I kept thinking that corn seemed (to me of course) more of a summer kigo rather than a fall kigo. :-)

  3. Like the popcorn dancing in the hot skillet. Indian summer and ripe corn. Lovely warm images.

    1. Thanks ... love popcorn and almost overlooked it! Hope you're having a nice Indian summer ... :-)

    2. I decided to add a muppet video featuring "popcorn" to the post ;-)

  4. nice variety
    this turned out to be a surprisingly difficult prompt

    i like the last one


    1. I agree it was much more difficult than I thought it would be ... the last one is of course a more classical haiku ... I fell back on the others out of despiration ... but they were fun!

  5. I love them all and can relate to each one. Mmmm corn roasts and lots of corn, too much beer and lots of laughing. We are surrounded by apple orchards here and I love the smell of the fresh picked apple...another scent that should be bottled along with fresh cut grass, new born`s scent and individual bottles of your lover`s scent...that is tickling my muse now:)

    1. Ah the scents you've mentioned her are priceless ... and I do so agree they are the spice of life. Wonder where your muse took you here! A hunting I must go!


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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