Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Decay - September 2, 2014

worn out flowers
the pathway to the river
strewn with dead petals

damp earth and decay
scent of mildew in the air
passing summer

raking up dead leaves
children run excitedly
bonfires of decay

For: Carpe Diem Haiku Kai


  1. I love how you end with a smiling positive...children excited :) lovely series, Cara, I can smell the mildew in the air...that part of autumn I don`t like, cold and damp.

    1. I can remember when the raking was done there'd be the huge pile of leaves, waiting to be dived into ... then later the bonfire.And that intense smell of damp among those leaves at times :-) But I agree ... the humidity is not my favorite even either --- I too have creeky knees and joints ....

  2. All beautifully done. That last one is very powerful - tring to find the right word, almost apocalyptic in its intensity...!

  3. bonfires of decay.. wonderful phrase.. there is a great juxtaposition between the words that gives that haiku a special meaning

  4. Such striking contrast in that "bonfire of decay" -- and having the pathway to the river strewn with dead flower petals -- both sad and subtly romantic at the same time.

    1. Actually two different memories ... continents and decades apart :-)

    2. Still, it doesn't feel decades apart or disjointed - it has a lovely continuity - watching the passing of time.

  5. That second is really a gorgeous one Georgia ... I like how you have brought departure of summer into this trio on "decay".

    1. Thanks ... decay as something breaking down to it's elements I suppose.

  6. What a wonderful collection of all things autumn including kids jumping in the piles of leaves!

    1. Thanks Janice - I'm glad you enjoyed the kids jumping into the leaves a favorite memory of mine ...


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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