Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Shinnen (New Year's Eve) - January 1, 2015

the snow flakes didn't fall
New Year's Eve

awaiting change
fireworks and feasting
Happy New Year!

New Year's morn
the world sleeps soundly
after feasting

we celebrate
a New Year's beginning
and a illusion
change comes with clocks
or pages of calendars

illusive time
today is like yesterday
the cat yawns

(c) G.s.k. '15

Below I'd like to copy some great haiku reflections by the Classical Masters:

kageboshi mo mame sokusai de gyokei kana

my shadow too
in good health...
"Happy New Year!"

toshidama cha doko wo megutte mata modoru

New Year's gift of tea--
where did you go
on your journey back to me?

(c) Issa

haru tatsu ya  shin-nen furuki  kome go-shoo

has spring already come?
I feel wealthy this New Year
with five sho of old rice

ganjitsu ya  omoeba sabishi  aki no kure

New Year's Day
I feel lonely just like
an autumn evening

(c) Basho

nanimokawara nai  mainichionaji kono atarashii toshini naru desho u

nothing changes
every day will be the same
this new year

(c) Yosakura

And from the host of Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, Chèvrefeuille:

New Year's Eve
the sound of fireworks resonates 
against the snow

after the fireworks
the rustling of bare branches
nothing has changed

(C) Chèvrefeuille

Happy New Year 2015


  1. Smashing collection, both yours and the selected ones.
    Disappointment glimmers through the evaporated anticipation. Well done.
    I'm still a little puzzled by issa's tea.

    1. An interesting one that ... has me wondering too, there's surely a story behind it! Glad you enjoyed the collection!

  2. Happy New Year ☆´,•*´¨★ Ձ๏15

    much love..

    1. Thanks Gillena loved your fireworks! And here's hoping you have a great year!

  3. And the cat yawns. It is so true!

    1. Lol ...happy you caught that Janice ... and hope you have a great future!

  4. Had to laugh with the cat -- just another day, right? Same-old, same-old. Ah well. Change can come at any time -- it cares not for clocks and calendars. Great series, Georgia --- hoping you got home safely -- sounds like the travel must have been uneventful - which is good. Hoping you had fun :)

    1. Travel was uneventful .. New year's day turned out to be sunny and warm (as long as one stayed in the sun), got home safe last night and this morning couldn't connect to my browser ... sigh ... yes same-old same-old .. but i'll figure this out eventually!

  5. Very nicely done! Enjoyed them all.

    1. Thanks Dolores .. hope your new year started out well .. and keeps getting better!

  6. More trouble commenting: not on google+ or wordpress, I can't speak up unless it is on blogspot. Can't find an email address for you. So, sadly, won't be able to let you know how much I like your posts. I will just wave at you and pass on. BTW, 'peel' is like 'milk'. Never in the plural. 'Uncountable' I think they call it. You used the word many times in today's post, that's why I thought I would point it out.
    BTW2, The white is actually very good for us, so I've been told: it enhances the vitamin C because it contains flavanoids. But yes, it does taste bitter.

    1. I'm presuming you're talking about my WordPress post ... I think it may be that we use English from different sides of the pond ... on my side we can use the s for peel as in a mound of orange peels ... it would depend how I'm using the word peel ... ... I'm also sure you're correct about the white of the orange peel ... but it would really ruin the dish, believe me. Sorry you have difficultly commenting on W.P. I've the same problem with Medium and other several other blogging hosts.

  7. New Year's Eve caught in an extraordinary nice series of haiku ... awesome Georgia.

    1. Thanks Kristjaan ... I wrote a haiku story with tanka ;-) great prompt btw.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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