Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Morning Haiku and Waka - NaPoWriMo - April 5, 2016

bold minstrel sings
his bawdy melodies bright
for his lady love

morning serenade
sweet perfume of mimosa
and thoughts of you
what more can be said of spring
then a warming I love you?
© G.s.k. '16


  1. Ah I see it again but it looks so much nicer on this blog. Too bad blogspot cannot just be reblogged, eh? I preferred posting my haiku on simple.

    1. I really like Blogspot for certain things .. it's easier to post most of the time and then there's the convenience of being able to use different typesets etc. I also like how it's so easy to create a Blogroll and the widgets are a breeze ... but yep, no reblogging and I miss the notifications of people who visit my posts and comment etc. So there's the good and the not so good ;-)


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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