Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Double Tan Renga - September 13, 2014

Today we have an interesting challenge at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai - Tan Renga!  Here's a fantastic haiga written by Björn Rudberg of Björn Rudberg's Writings for Carpe Diem's "Anti-Visual" Haiku:

evening mist
memories are fading
loon is calling

© Björn Rudberg
"The goal of Carpe Diem Tan Renga Squared is to write a second stanza to a given haiku (as we do in our Tan Renga Challenge) and a new 3-line stanza and 2-line stanza. So the goal is to write a short linked verse of four (4) stanzas.  To make it a little bit more difficult I love to see that your last stanza (2 lines) has a association with the first stanza by Björn. Well ... good luck."

as misty fall approaches
shadows in the corridor

reflections on ice
frozen spring-time memories
walking through the past

in the evening autumn mist
a nursery rhyme recited

© G.s.k. '14


  1. You do these so well --the recited nursery rhyme is such a wonderful cap to this tan renga -- I can hear the voices emerging from the mists of time --- just wonderful.

    1. Thank you Jen ... Don't know why exactly why Bjorn's haiku brought these verses about ... but I'm happy you enjoyed them.

  2. Those memories of a nursery rhyme... Maybe that's the memory we are left with.

    1. Perhaps ... they are certainly (at least for me) the most joyous of childhood ;-)

  3. nicely done

    not exactly sure what you are going for here
    i'm reading your entry through the lens of mine
    and it seems to reflect the same
    song of love and want


    1. Unfortunately mine wasn't going toward love and want ... Bjorn's haiku reminded me of Alzheimer's Disease ... my family has been hit three times my two grandmother's and my aunt. It's the backward voyage ...


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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