Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Full Circle #3 - September 13, 2014

For Carpe Diem Haiku Kai's Full Circle Challenge:

 "You have to use the words given in the clock-wise direction. So every word has to come in the line of it's place on the clock e.g. mirror you have to use for line one (1) and leaves for line two (2) and so on."

Here are the 12 (twelve) words for this new episode:

1. mirror
2. leaves
3. rain
4. butterfly
5. chrysanthemum
6. breeze
7. stars
8. clouds
9. ocean
10. daisies
11. cow shed
12. secret 


a misty mirror
reflects autumn leaves falling
like rain in a lake

the butterfly rests
on the white chrysanthemum
ruffled by the breeze

searching for the stars
between dark clouds in the sky
in the dark ocean

daisies by dozens
out behind the cowshed
secret lovers

© G.s.k. '14


  1. Another great series -- I really like the longing in the third :)
    All the best --

    1. Thanks ... that haiku took me longer than all the rest ... trying to connect the ocean with the stars and clouds ;-) I think the first one might not be kosher ... the first and third lines aren't quite interchangeable.

    2. Hmmmm..... I thought it worked fine ....

    3. When I read it last night, backwards it didn't sound quite right

      like rain in a lake
      reflects autumn leaves falling
      a misty mirror

      but as I kept reading it I realized that it did actually work ... a moment of confusion?

  2. Oh I like the mysterious and secretive ending. I always enjoy a visit to your blog...

    1. Thanks Moonie ... it's nice to see you drop in and I'm happy you liked that last haiku :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for the compliment! I had fun with the 4th one, it more or less wrote itself and i too like it a lot :-)

  5. searching for stars under a cloudy sky sounds like lost sailors.

  6. Enjoyable read here too with your series.
    A misty mirror - most autumn mornings now...


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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