Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Writing with Kishu - "a Crow Passes" - September 14, 2014


On this post inspired by Carpe Diem haiku Kai, we'll be looking at the fall or autumn and to inspire us there a haiku by Karakoromo Kishu (1743-1802).  But before we look the haiku, Chèvrefeulle also gives us a quote that sets the tone to the prompt:

[...] "The fall of the year is not merely the fall of the leaves but the fall of the vital powers in all natural things including man. We feel it ourselves and are thus and thus only able to see it in things outside." [...] (R.H.Blyth)
An interesting quote which I've been contemplating myself ... in our youth oriented age where everything is always "newer and better" , we tend to shy away from the fact that of course, things aren't always newer.  The natural processes of life, the natural depreciation of all things is something that our consumerist society would tend to sweep under a rug having us believe that we are immortal, if we buy this or that product,  which of course isn't true at all.  Here's today's haiku:

aki no kure  karasu mo nakade  tori keri

an autumn evening;
without a cry,
a crow passes

© Kishu


moonless night
in the dark autumn sky

dead leaves dance
morning birds are silent
at dawn

an old couple
sitting on the park bench
leaves fall like rain

in October
the gulls fly over the lake
abandoned shores

© G.s.k. '14


  1. Nothing seems as silent as a night sky without the moon --
    The elderly couple in the leaves falling like rain -- I was very moved :)

    1. Thank you Jen ... I agree a night without a moon seems somehow more silent .. and an elderly couple in the park at autumn ... no children playing just falling leaves.

  2. Silence - and only the old couple to fill the silence.

    1. Yes ... true hadn't noticed that ... you're right I was struck by silence.

  3. These are all very effective - the last one particularly - it paints a picture I know so well.

    1. Ah yes ... once the people (and their sandwiches) leave the beaches the gulls go out to fish. :-)

  4. I love the series and the last one gives me hope for it is then we have Indian summer...a last glimpse of warm sunshine.

  5. Hope we all have a wonderfully prolonged Indian summer (and a mercifully short winter) ;-) Thanks for dropping in!

  6. "dead leaves dance"... All of your haiku are lovely but this struck me as I was on a walk this morning with Little Miss and the slight breeze rustled the fallen dead leaves.

    1. How marvelous when a poem encarnates! Thanks for telling me this is a lovely comment.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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