Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai's Tan Renga - Northern Lights - December 20, 2014

Credits: Aurora Borealis

curtain of light
shimmers in the winter cold
flight of fancy

© Dolores

Our Renga host in this episode of Tan Renga inspired by Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is:  Dolores with her response to Northern Lights.  Here is how our host completed the renga:

curtain of light
shimmers in the winter cold
flight of fancy
(© Dolores)

in the middle of the night
Mother Nature's light show
(© Chèvrefeuille)

My Attempt:

curtain of light
shimmers in the winter cold
flight of fancy

snowbirds in the evening frost
dream of warm city lights

©  G.s.k. '14


  1. Oh I love this completion...some day I hope to see that image you just showed...que c'est magnifique!

  2. Yes... I like that.. I really think first of the snowbirds in the form of people living in the north.. it's probably time to go south...

    1. I'm pretty sure the snowbirds are ready for migration :)

  3. Love the direction you've taken -- very nice!

    1. Thanks Jen ... there's only so much I can say about Northern Lights ... so I thought I'd think about what a snowbird would be thinking.


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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