Arco (TN)

Arco (TN)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Little Creatures - Basho's "Spring Rain" - December 11, 2014

Sarca River

howling summer storm
the wasp's nest falls in the mud
River Sarca floods

(c) G.s.k. '14

Here is the haiku by Basho to help inspire us today:

suzumebachino su kara yane doro darake no mizutamari wo kaishi te haru no ame wo shizuku

spring rain,
leaking through the roof,
dripping from the wasps' nest.

© Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)

And here are two variations on the translation by out host, Chèvrefeuille at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

from the hornet's nest
drips the spring rain 
through the leaking roof

© Chèvrefeuille

from the old Hornet's nest
drips the spring rain through the leaking roof -
sound of a tap-dancer

© Chèvrefeuille

Today we write "classical" haiku:

5-7-5 syllables
deeper meaning
inter-changeable first and third line


  1. Really well done, fits perfectly too. I must do your Frost poem...I keep trying...

    1. Thank you so much Hamish .. I'm really happy you enjoyed the post!
      I can understand when a muse or time keeps us from doing a write!

      I'm so sorry that I can't like and comment on your Medium blog though I always pass and read your work. I've tried to hook-up but i only get an e-mail telling me that I've signed up for the post, but when I go back to comment on your page, I get a message telling me to sign up.

  2. A very classic haiku - well done!

  3. Where does it end up, I wonder.
    Fearsome river.
    You told a little story. Nice.
    I'm still confused about the 'cutting word'.

    1. You and me both ... cutting words exist in Japanese but we don't have anything of the sort in English ... I try to avoid the dash or punctuation which is often used as the cutting word and try to use a word that turns the reader around to a new perspective. Here I guess it might be the river ...

      As for the river, it's usually very placid but last year we had torrential rains.

  4. Very creative haiku and great photo!

    happy weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  5. Well ... so much for the wasps o.O
    Next time I'd recommend a less drastic method of extermination though. LOL
    Loved it Georgia --

    1. Ah yes ... perhaps they're not just your normal run of the mill wasps ;-)

  6. That's a tough summer storm with a lot of rain .... those poor hornets losing their home to the waters

    1. Yes it was quite a mess ... they had to clear out some camp sites in the middle of the night, which had the detractors of the town counsel swarming ;-)

  7. What an end to the hornet's nest.. very good haiku..


harmonious words ... like crystal clear water ... pure ectasy

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